Andrew Hickman
Across his 25+ years with TCF, Andrew has managed the delivery of the majority of TCF’s complex renovation projects. He is accustomed to working with myriad stakeholders and the specific processes of each job assigned. A seasoned problem solver, Andrew’s portfolio of experience includes new elementary school projects, historic renovations, and modernizations for unique secondary programs.
A sample of Andrew’s current and recent projects includes:
Peninsula School District:
Seattle Public Schools
- Historic Webster School Renovation/Addition
- Seattle World School Renovation of T.T Minor
- NOVA High School Renovation of Historic Mann
- Improvements for ORCA @ Columbia School
- Meany Middle School Renovations
- Chief Sealth High School Renovation
- Improvements to dozens of other existing schools for the District
Lopez Island School District
- Lopez Island School Modernization
Highline School District
- Parkside Elementary School Replacement
- Midway Heights Elementary School Replacement
- Cedarhurst Heights Elementary School Replacement
- North Hill Elementary School Replacement
Olympia School District
- Knox Center Renovation
- Knox Gym Renovation
- Phased Renovations at L.P Brown Elementary School